Γιατί να προπονηθείτε με Bungee fitness Οι προπονήσεις είναι εξαιρετικές για την οικοδόμηση μυών και καύσης λίπους. Το κορδόνι Bungee στηρίζει μερικώς το βάρος σας, έτσι κλασικές ασκήσεις αντίστασης όπως push-ups και squats γίνονται λίγο πιο εύκολα. Ωστόσο, το γεγονός ότι κινείστε συνεχώς, τρέχε..
BioTech USA Caffeine & Taurine 60 CapsBiotech Caffeine + Taurine - Ενεργειακά δισκία. Συνδυασμός ταυρίνης και καφεΐνηςΤο Biotech Caffeine + Taurine είναι ένα ενεργειακό προϊόν σε μορφή δισκίων με καφεΐνη και ταυρίνη που προσφέρει πνευματική, σωματική και ψυχική τόνωση. Τα ενεργά συστατικά τ..
Chest Expander inSPORTline Tenspring Το Chest Expander inSPORTline Tenspring είναι ένα πολλαπλών χρήσεων επέκτασης στήθους που θα σας βοηθήσει να ενισχύσετε το πάνω μέρος του σώματός σας. Αυτό το ευέλικτο αξεσουάρ σάς επιτρέπει να ρυθμίζετε την αντίσταση προσθέτοντας/αφαιρώντας ελατήρια (5 επίπεδα α..
Chrome Dumbbell inSPORTline Crossteel 10 kg This Single-Handed Chrome Dumbbell inSPORTline Crossteel 10 kg is made of high-quality metal with strong chrome coating that is resistant to sweat and moisture. The ergonomically shaped grip with anti-slip grooving allows you to maintain a firm grip, ev..
Chrome Dumbbell inSPORTline Crossteel 1 kg This Single-Handed Chrome Dumbbell inSPORTline Crossteel 1 kg is made of high-quality metal with strong chrome coating that is resistant to sweat and moisture. The ergonomically shaped grip with anti-slip grooving allows you to maintain a firm grip, even..
Chrome Dumbbell inSPORTline Crossteel 2 kg This Single-Handed Chrome Dumbbell inSPORTline Crossteel 2 kg is made of high-quality metal with strong chrome coating that is resistant to sweat and moisture. The ergonomically shaped grip with anti-slip grooving allows you to maintain a firm grip, even..
Chrome Dumbbell inSPORTline Crossteel 3 kg This Single-Handed Chrome Dumbbell inSPORTline Crossteel 3 kg is made of high-quality metal with strong chrome coating that is resistant to sweat and moisture. The ergonomically shaped grip with anti-slip grooving allows you to maintain a firm grip, even..
Chrome Dumbbell inSPORTline Crossteel 4 kg This Single-Handed Chrome Dumbbell inSPORTline Crossteel 4 kg is made of high-quality metal with strong chrome coating that is resistant to sweat and moisture. The ergonomically shaped grip with anti-slip grooving allows you to maintain a firm grip, even..
Chrome Dumbbell inSPORTline Crossteel 5 kg This Single-Handed Chrome Dumbbell inSPORTline Crossteel 5 kg is made of high-quality metal with strong chrome coating that is resistant to sweat and moisture. The ergonomically shaped grip with anti-slip grooving allows you to maintain a firm grip, even..
Chrome Dumbbell inSPORTline Crossteel 6 kg This Single-Handed Chrome Dumbbell inSPORTline Crossteel 6 kg is made of high-quality metal with strong chrome coating that is resistant to sweat and moisture. The ergonomically shaped grip with anti-slip grooving allows you to maintain a firm grip, even..
Chrome Dumbbell inSPORTline Crossteel 7 kg This Single-Handed Chrome Dumbbell inSPORTline Crossteel 7 kg is made of high-quality metal with strong chrome coating that is resistant to sweat and moisture. The ergonomically shaped grip with anti-slip grooving allows you to maintain a firm grip, even..